Monday, April 2, 2012

Walk Away

I am at work.  Grinding through, as all computer laborers do.  Now, I shouldn't complain.  After all, I could be some other kind of laborer..ditch digger, bathroom attendant, etc.  The people who do REAL work.  Not some button pushing whiz-kid like myself.  I have it quite easy compared to most.  But still..I would rather be out there creating/performing. 

When Whopper had had enough of the boring, he would simply walk away.  No questions, no worries, no "hey, I'm leaving, I'll see you in a few hours."  Nope, just walk away.  And I mean walk away.  Not even a look over his shoulder to see if we even noticed he was going.  If we stopped him, fine, then he'd turn around and come back.  If not...

Sometimes this walking away entailed climbing over the fence, which he could scale quite adeptly.  Or just walking out an open door.  He did that a lot.  But no rush.  Just walk away.

I find I do that, too.  When I can't deal with the boring any longer, I walk away, too.  No hurries, no rush, no guilt.  If they stop me, fine.  If not... 

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